About Us
With over 29 years experience in monitoring and working with GB Farmgate milk prices, Stephen & Claire Bradley launched Milkprices.com in December 2003.
In principle, the website is the shop front to the main milk price consultancy part of the business. During this time, the website and our consultancy service combined has become the trusted ‘go to’ reference point with regard to producer Farmgate milk pricing in Great Britain, whether this being just simple confirmation through the website or more detailed independent verification for clients on a bespoke basis through the consultancy service.
Milkprices.com monitors the price movements from most of the key milk buyers across England, Scotland and Wales, with the site regularly updated to keep subscribers well briefed on milk price developments.
This is conducted in the first instance via prices stories on our blog/news section. This section will also carry other newsworthy stories that maybe closely linked to milk prices or that might be relevant to our members.
At this point it might be worth noting that Milkprices.com does not regard itself as an industry journalist, more a consultancy business with a website.
The price stories are backed up by our ‘Latest Milk Price Move’ table. This table is updated every time there is an actual price change by any of the milk buyers we monitor on a regular basis.
Finally, our monthly published milk price league table ranks the milk prices on a 12mth rolling basis both for our liquid (4%b/f & 3.3% prot) and manufacturing (4.2%b/f & 3.4% prot) standard litres.
Both standards based on an annual level supply of 1mltr on EODC (Every other day collection).
Membership to Milkprices.com is £180+vat for the first year, thereafter as an existing member the rate reduces to £120+ vat per year. This does not include access to the StoneXMilkprices.com UKMFE page. An extra fee is charged to receive this report, please contact us for more details.
Simply register at the top of this page and submit details.
Quickest access to the site can be obtained if payment is made through PayPal.
Registration will be confirmed via e-mail.